As we settle into the new decade, it is hard not to reflect upon the last ten years and the obvious environmental changes that are happening worldwide. Rising sea-levels, extreme weather, and deforestation are just some of the news stories we hear about on an almost daily basis.
We as a utility company recognise that we have environmental responsibilities, and in 2020 we have been making the necessary changes to ensure all of our houses are as green as possible. We have switched our energy providers to Ovo Energy, a green energy supplier whose values and goals for the future align well with our own. This means this year all of our houses will be provided by 100% renewable electricity from sustainable sources such as wind or solar. For every house that signs up with The Bunch, Ovo will also be planting 5 trees on your behalf to offset carbon emissions. How lovely of them!
Green Electricity explained
At Ovo, renewable energy comes from a range of different green sources, including:
- Geothermal energy
- Hydroelectric energy
- Solar power
- Wind Power
Ovo’s electricity is made up of only renewables and natural gases. That means no coal, nuclear, or any other fuels for that matter.

Sapling Spirits partnership
We have also partnered up with Sapling Spirits, the vodka company with a difference. They are on a mission to help turn the world’s spirit industry into a natural force for good. For all the houses that have signed up with us this summer, we will be sending them a bottle of Sapling Vodka for their house. But not only will they be receiving a tasty bottle of the highest quality vodka, but Sapling will also be planting a tree on their behalf. Our customers will be given an individual code for their tree, so you will be able to track where it has been planted on Sapling’s website. For anyone that’s not a fan of Vodka, they will be receiving a house plant for their new property.

We know these are just small steps in tackling a very large issue, but we feel positive that we are taking the right steps going forward, and we are continually looking into how we can make this planet a cooler place to be. Keep an eye out for updates on our Blog Page in the near future.